Aishwariya Vaastu Blessing of God

About Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu system of architecture which literally translates to "science of architecture. These are texts found on the Indian subcontinent that describe principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement and spatial geometry. Vastu Shastra incorporate traditional Hindu and in some cases Buddhist beliefs. The designs are intended to integrate architecture with nature, the relative functions of various parts of the structure, and ancient beliefs utilizing geometric patterns (Yantra), symmetry and directional alignments.

Vastu Shastra are the textual part of Vastu Vidya, the latter being the broader knowledge about architecture and design theories from ancient India. Vastu Vidya knowledge is a collection of ideas and concepts, with or without the support of layout diagrams, which are not rigid. Rather, these ideas and concepts are models for the organization of space and form within a building or collection of buildings, based on their functions in relation to each other, their usage and to the overall fabric of the Vastu.Ancient Vastu Shastra principles include those for the design of Mandir (Hindu temples) and the principles for the design and layout of houses, towns, cities, gardens, roads, water works, shops and other public areas.

The Sanskrit word Vastu means a dwelling or house with a corresponding plot of land. The Vastu takes the meaning of "the site or foundation of a house, site, ground, building or dwelling-place, habitation, homestead, house". The underlying root is vas "to dwell, live, stay, reside". The term Shastra may loosely be translated as "doctrine, teaching".

Vastu Purush: The Fascinating Story

Long long ago Lord Shiva fought against the demon named ANDHAKA and killed him. While fighting with demon, Shiva was very much tired and began to sweat profusely. A man was born of the drops of Shiva's sweat. He looked very cruel. He was very hungry. So he began to make penance to appease Lord Shiva and get a boon from him. Shiva was pleased with his penance and appeared before him.The devotee prayed to Shiva,"Oh Lord! Please permit me to eat away all the three worlds." Shiva said," Let it be so." The devotee's joy knew no bounds. He got possession on all the three worlds and first he was ready to eat the terrestrial world (Bhooloka). Then the celestial (Devatas), Brahma, Shiva and the demons (Rakshasas) also were terrified and caught hold of the devotee encircling him.

Elements of Vastu

Vastu is a science of direction that combines the five elements of nature and cosmos, ultimately balancing with man and the material. This mysterious science unifying the five elements called "Panchbhootas" - earth, fire, water, sky and space and paving a way for enlightenment, happiness and prosperity.

  • + Earth
  • + Fire
  • + Water
  • + Sky
  • + Space

Vastu Directions

Directions play an important role in Vastu. Right knowledge of direction is very important to make a building structure according to vaastu. In the olden days people who needed to check the directions very minutely, used to see the shadow of sun. In the modern technical world the instrument called magnetic compass is used to check the directions. In the total there are 10 directions but to check with compass only 8 directions are available. Compass has 360 degrees in total with its radius. Every direction is allotted 45 degrees. For every direction, checking the level of degree is very important.

  • + North
  • + South
  • + East
  • + West
  • + Northeast (Ishan) In the center of South and East
  • + Southeast (Agneya) In the center of South and East
  • + Southwest (Nirutya) In the center of South and West
  • + Northwest (Vayaya) In the center of North and West
  • + In Vastu 9th direction is Space and 10th direction is Patal
  • Vastu Mandal

    In order to understand Vaastu Shastra, it is necessary to understand the Vaastu Purusha Mandala, which is energy grid of square. The Vaastu Purusha Mandala is the basic form in architecture and all other figures are derived from this elementary design.

    It provides the method that determines the requirements of architecture in relation to its directions. Each direction is allotted a particular role by the Vaasturatnakara. Every part of the Vaastu Purusha’s body is sacred and contains energies that help us in living a contented and peaceful life.

    Each work has its nature and features. Aforesaid knowledge gives us the appropriate direction for a desired work such as where and how to construct a room, outer structure and interior arrangement of rooms according to the nature of work so that we do our work without any problem and handedness.

    "Aishwariya Vaastu - Blessings of God"