Aishwariya Vaastu Blessing of God

Vastu Directions

Aishwariya Vaastu Blessings of God

Directions play an important role in Vastu. Right knowledge of direction is very important to make a building structure according to vaastu. In the olden days people who needed to check the directions very minutely, used to see the shadow of sun. In the modern technical world the instrument called magnetic compass is used to check the directions. In the total there are 10 directions but to check with compass only 8 directions are available. Compass has 360 degrees in total with its radius. Every direction is allotted 45 degrees. For every direction, checking the level of degree is very important.

  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West
  • Northeast (Ishan) In the center of South and East.
  • Southeast (Agneya) In the center of South and East.
  • Southwest (Nirutya) In the center of South and West.
  • Northwest (Vayaya) In the center of North and West.