Aishwariya Vaastu Blessing of God

Vastu Mandal

Vastu Purush Mandala: Detailed Explanation

In the diagram we see Vastu Purush pinned down facing earth with his head in the North-East direction and leg towards South-West direction. It was a collective effort of 45 Gods (including Brahma) to pin Vastu Purush down. Imagine how powerful he was!

Vastu Purush Mandala is divided in to 9×9= 81 parts (as shown in the diagram), each part names the God holding Vastu Purush down in respective part. There are 32 Gods in outer part and 13 Gods in inner part. This means that there is presence of different Gods in Vastu Purush Mandala and each of these Gods rule different parts of a human life as per their qualities.

This is the reason why while making rooms in a home, we make sure not to offend any deity of that area. Vastu Shastra lays guidelines and principles to keep all deities happy at all times. Hence as per Vastu Shastra if any building is constructed as per Vastu Purush Mandala then prosperity prevails in the building and inhabitants are always happy, healthy, wealthy and satisfied.

  • Sahasrara Chakra
  • Ajna Chakra
  • Vishuddha Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Svadishthana Chakra
  • Svadishthana Chakra

Vastu Elements

Vastu is a science of direction that combines the five elements of nature and cosmos, ultimately balancing with man and the material. This mysterious science unifying the five elements called ‘Panchbhootas’- earth, fire, water, sky and space and paving a way for enlightenment, happiness and prosperity.

  • Air
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Space


Air (vayu) is a necessary thing for all of us living on this earth. In Vastu air is another important element which is considered before applying it. Air is an element of north-east. There are important directions for windows and doors in Vastu so as to receive a good amount of air.


Water(jal) is present on earth in the form of rain, ocean, sea and rivers. It is the second foremost element considered in Vastu. Vastu provides proper directions for the placement of water sources. Water is an element of north-east. this direction is auspicious and suitable for water


Fire (Agni) is considered as an element of south-east. In a house kitchen fire or electrical gadgets shall be place in south-east. Fire is the basis of all sources of energy. The Kitchen and related things must be set in South-east.


The first and foremost element of nature which exerts maximum energy. It is necessary to consult the land you are purchasing, as plot’s soil, area everything matters in Vastu. The selection of site is considered very important in Vastu element. A detailed inspection of soil, plot, site, shape and size has to be done before commencing the construction. Earth (prithvi) is the most important element in Vastu and influence human lives in every way.


Sky is never ending and our space is full of constellations, galaxies, star, moon, sun and all the nine planets. It is also called universe which is known as ‘Brahamand’- the place of god. Space has a very important place in our lives and Vastu gives different directions for better space. Indian houses used to have open space in the centre of the house. Akash is a brahmasthan which should be an open place, any disturbance related to space in house would lead to detrimental results.